Our Employer Forums

With a firm commitment to continual employer engagement, RNN Group hosts a series of valuable Employer Forums.

These forums are intended to provide an open and informative discussion with employers about how the next generation of RNN Group apprentices can support your workforce and the local economy. In the forums we will discuss and listen to your needs as employers and what industry-relevant skills future apprentices need to support your organisation however big or small.

We have a number of employers across a variety of different sectors already engaged in our Employer Forum events. Please contact us if you would like to involved in future employer forums, if there is not event planned and listed below we would still like to hear from you to discuss and respond to your organisation skills and training needs.

We have employer forums established in the following areas:

  • Beauty
  • Business Admin
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Motor Vehicle

With more being planned and launched.

RNN Group is determined to keep investing in the development of industry-relevant skills for the next generation of apprentices.

Part of this investment is a drive to ensure there is continual employer engagement across a variety of sectors.