Grow in Confidence With An Apprenticeship

For National Apprenticeship Week, we recently caught-up with Kamila Dudzik, Business and Administration Apprentice at AESSEAL, to learn about her experience.

“Business Administration Level 3 Apprenticeship has allowed me to explore my skills not just in the admin area but also in customer service, working with individuals internally and externally, finance, physical work e.g., packing products in the manufacturing area and working as a team with everyone in the organisation.

This apprenticeship has helped me to grow my confidence and come out of my shell when it came to socialising with other individuals, whether that was external or internal as I was shy before starting this apprenticeship.

I have chosen to do my apprenticeship in an engineering company because I knew it would give me an opportunity to do more than just an office role and it would help me get more of an insight of what the factory is all about.

In my apprenticeship I have learnt many different skills, from working on reception to even getting involved in trainings and external meetings. This has allowed me to broaden my intellectuality by being able to get involved in different types of work and giving me more of an understanding of if this is anything I am interested in for the future.

My organisation has also helped me make choices by giving me the opportunity to see how different departments work and how everything is so different from my day-to-day tasks. This has helped me figure out what I want to do in the future, and if the business admin role was really for me.”

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