Wellbeing for All at the RNN Group

The RNN Group takes the Wellbeing of its students and staff very seriously. Last year, the Group had a Wellbeing conference which built on the new initiative launched last year of a wellbeing day.

You can see certain social media platforms full of what staff do on their wellbeing day to give themselves a full rest. Wellbeing is different for everyone whether its staying in bed and binging on the latest TV series to going for a walk, painting a pot to visiting a zoo, spending time with family or enjoying some quiet time; it all helps towards ensuring a mindful day with the outcome of feeling ready to face all that life has in store the next day.

Health and Wellbeing is so crucially important for each and every one of us, both in and out of the workplace. Studies suggest improvement in individual wellbeing would result in improved workplace performance – in financial performance, productivity and the quality of services. Most people spend a large part of their day at work. Providing opportunities for our staff to be healthy in the workplace is vital to make sure our employees look after their own health as well as being able to confidently support others too.

Workplace Health and Wellbeing is a core commitment of RNN Group to improve the wellbeing of all of our staff. The RNN Group is committed with the many initiatives to create an environment where people are supported to access help and guidance and a place where health is part of our regular conversation, removing stigma and celebrating inclusivity. We have a coordinated approach to supporting staff and students, reducing duplication and ensuring resources can be maximised and we want to create and instil a culture of active lifestyles within the RNN Group of colleges, engaging all staff and students in physical activity, regardless of their age, background or ability which our gyms – available to staff and students – across the campuses support.

For our students, we believe that learning happens both inside and outside the classroom. Our enrichment programmes ensure that students can enjoy a variety of activities on offer on a weekly basis over and above those relating to their course. Activities including gaming, football, personal tutor sessions which allow for learning opportunities for life, trips, support sessions and visiting speakers on a variety of topics.

Not only that but we have a dedicated Student Support Team at each campus who offer help and support to students who may be experiencing difficult/challenging times in their personal worlds. People seek our team’s support for many reasons such as experiencing anxiety, stress and panic attacks, feeling overwhelmed in public settings, low mood, loss and bereavement, disturbing and unwanted thoughts and images, poor sleep, relationship difficulties, identity and self-image issues, abuse/bullying, addictive behaviours (including substance abuse), past trauma, troublesome repetitive behaviours, self harming, frequent or troublesome issues with anger, concerns about living with physical illness/conditions, housing difficulties/problems at home, and financial worries. Our Student Support Team also offers Mentoring and Counselling.

One of our key values as Group is that we are ‘One Team’. This is our focus with regard to Health and Wellbeing at the RNN Group, whether a student or member of staff. We will continue to build on all the work and offerings we have to support everyone’s health and wellbeing to ensure this remains a core part of our commitment to everyone in the RNN family.

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